New Cubicles in Memphis, Tennessee (TN)

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Even people who work together most of the time have to work alone some of the time. TransAction™ works for them all of the time. Fabric panels define boundaries and allow the display of favorite mementos. Generously sized worksurfaces offer plenty of room to spread out and tackle multiple projects at a time. Easy-to-reach personal storage options and power/data hookups enhance comfort and efficiency. It’s a private space that also supports impromptu collaboration.  (item #31386)

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4x2.5 qty 500, 6x2.5 qty 500
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Find a Friant Office Furniture Dealer. Friant are an alternative to used cubicles. The sturdy Friant System 2 panel system is a great office cubicle solution when you are looking for function, quality, and durablity at a great price! These cubicles feature full-length steel and aluminum connectors, come in many different sizes, and are very easy to install and reconfigure. Need them fast? System 2 has a 5-day and a 10-day quick ship program! Find a Friant Office Furniture Dealer near you.  (item #14915)

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The zDesk patented system was created to meet the needs of today's eco-savvy company. Made with recycled materials, zDesk green workstations deliver sustainable form and function. The versatile and flexible streamlined design utilizes natural light and open spaces creating a warm and welcoming environment for any size space.  (item #10430)

Primary Size:
Other Sizes:
5.5x5.5 qty 1000
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