Used Other Office Parts in Westminster, California (CA)

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Westminster, California (CA)
Price:  3799

We have this Flexi Spot privacy pod that is like new with open box which is why we are discounting it. We have these FlexiSpot Solo Pods that come in black or white exterior color and silver grey interior. These Pods have 25dB (+/-5dB) sound insulation. They have build in: automatic ventilation system, 4000K LED lighting system, power outlet with USB Type-A and Type-C, and tabletop. Product size: W40.16”xD40.16”xH88.98”  (item #68939)

Used Parts and Accessories
Ships From:
Westminster, California (CA)
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Westminster, California (CA)
Price:  399

We have this Quartet 74inx42in glass magnetic white board now available. It seamlessly hangs on the wall with a raised surface to give it the image of a floating glass on the wall.  (item #63444)

Used Parts and Accessories
Ships From:
Westminster, California (CA)
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Westminster, California (CA)
Price:  399

We have these 8'x4' Glass Magnetic white boards made by Clarus. These glass boards are part of the float collection, were hung a couple years ago new and hardly ever used.  (item #63480)

Used Parts and Accessories
Ships From:
Westminster, California (CA)
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