Used Herman Miller Cubicles in Houston, Texas (TX) - grey

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Houston, Texas (TX)
Price:  699

We have these Haworth Compose 5’x6’x65” all glass modular cubicles that are in excellent condition. Each stations comes with power down spline and with bbf pedestal. Base feeds additional $699 cluster formation $899 straight run formation  (item #69042)

Used Cubicles
125        (Min. Purchase:   1)
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Herman Miller Ethospace Cubicle with Tower 6 x10 in size with marker tile and glass. These tall Herman Miller cubicles give plenty of privacy.  (item #47841)

Primary Size:
Other Sizes:
8x8 qty 500, 10x10 qty 500
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These shared cubicles are Herman Miller ethospace. They are 54" tall. Can do the lay-out in used (finishes depend on current inventory) or refurbished.  (item #49132)

Primary Size:
Other Sizes:
6x6 qty 500, 7x7 qty 500
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These metal cubicles are Herman Miller ethospace. With metal tiles, this install was for a FurnitureFinder client looking for a sustainable option. Extra storage, tool bars and sit to stand desks were added for the employees that wanted them.  (item #51138)

Primary Size:
Other Sizes:
8x8 qty 500
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Short Wall Herman Miller Ethospace Cubicles. These 38 inch tall Herman Miller workstations were installed from a company that found a Herman Miller Refurbisher thru  (item #49835)

Primary Size:
Other Sizes:
4x4 qty 500, 5x4 qty 500, 6x2 qty 500, 6x6 qty 500
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Houston, Texas (TX)
Price:  1299

We have this 6’x6’ or 5’x5’ Ethospace All Glass at 54” tall. These stations are all glass on the panels from 38”-54” tall and have a black bottom tone with grey fabric upper tone. Glass color and sizes based on availability of what is in stock. Each station comes with work surfaces and a pedestal. You can customize these with in-stock fabric & materials at no additional cost. Trim option include: black, silver, or white. $1299 each in cluster formation $1599 each in straight line formation + Add Power base feed $149 each + Add Monitor Arm for $99 per cube  (item #66317)

Used Cubicles
50        (Min. Purchase:   1)
Primary Size:
Other Sizes:
5x5 qty 50, 6x5 qty 50
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