All Cubicles in Manchester, Connecticut (CT) - glass

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Price:  Varies on current inventory & lay-out

The 6 x 6 cubicles with glass in mid-height remain the most popular office cubicle. All of our vetted dealers will have a blended option of new and used cubicle parts to get this look. We want you to find a local option to you. Enter your zip code to find the closest dealer. You can also contact FurnitureFinders. We love to assist with office design.  (item #48571)

Primary Size:
Other Sizes:
Varies on current inventory & lay-out
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Herman Miller Workstations designed in a bullpen arrangement. The cubicles are a 16" tall system. You can adjust the height every 16" to meet your privacy needs. Flexible on the cubicle size from 4 x 2, 4 x 4, 6 x 4, 5 x 5, 6 x 6, 6 x 8, 7 x 7, 8 x 8, 8 x 10, etc. Quickship options available  (item #47826)

Primary Size:
Other Sizes:
4x3 qty 500, 5x5 qty 500, 6x6 qty 500, 6x8 qty 500, 8x8 qty 500
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Cubicle Walls with Doors and Glass. These are new cubicles design with lots of glass while maintaining privacy & reducing distractions.  (item #47831)

Primary Size:
Other Sizes:
8x8 qty 500, 8x10 qty 500, 10x12 qty 500, 12x12 qty 500
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Manchester, Connecticut (CT)

Choose your size, configuration & colors with the versatile Unigroup systems, by Haworth. Pick your: Trim Fabric Laminate Available storage includes: floor supporting peds, binder bins, shelves, mobile peds, storage towers, & more!  (item #53134)

Refurbished Cubicles
100        (Min. Purchase:   4)
Primary Size:
Other Sizes:
5.5x6 qty 40, 6x7 qty 40, 7x7 qty 100
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