Used Cubicles in Denver, Colorado (CO) - light tan-grey

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Friant Tiles Office Cubicles comparable to used Herman Miller ethospace cubicles. Find a Friant Office Furniture dealer near you! Tiles is a modern frame and tile panel system with unlimited design possiblities at an affordable price! The substantial solid steel frame is capable of holding power and cabling at the baseline or the beltline, and the tackable, acoustical tiles offer a superior sound experience. Tiles offers a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and materials so you can customize your office cubicles to fit your needs!  (item #14858)

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Price:  Varies on current inventory & lay-out

The 6 x 6 cubicles with glass in mid-height remain the most popular office cubicle. All of our vetted dealers will have a blended option of new and used cubicle parts to get this look. We want you to find a local option to you. Enter your zip code to find the closest dealer. You can also contact FurnitureFinders. We love to assist with office design.  (item #48571)

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Varies on current inventory & lay-out
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These telemarketing stations have a 4 foot spine and 2 foot side. They are mid-height at 54" tall for seat privacy. There are options in new & used. Enter your zip code to find the closest ***** 5 star dealer near you.  (item #48054)

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