All Allsteel Office Furniture in Katy, Texas (TX)
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Katy, Texas (TX)
This is a very clean inventory of pre-owned 6x6 Alllsteel Terrace cubicles. These stations are 57” and include glass and bbf pedestal. For an upgrade, we can add a new height adjustable desk. (item #66602)
- Category:
- Used Cubicles
- Quantity:
- 150 (Min. Purchase: 10)
- Primary Size:
- 6x6
- Other Sizes:
Price: Varies on current inventory & lay-out
The 6 x 6 cubicles with glass in mid-height remain the most popular office cubicle. All of our vetted dealers will have a blended option of new and used cubicle parts to get this look. We want you to find a local option to you. Enter your zip code to find the closest dealer. You can also contact FurnitureFinders. We love to assist with office design. (item #48571)
- Primary Size:
- 6x6
- Other Sizes:
- Varies on current inventory & lay-out